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June 14, 2023
Nationwide Retail Chain Builds Gamified Leadership Training for Newly Promoted Managers
June 14, 2023

SBI Card – mGurukul Mobile Learning App for Salesforce Training


SBI Card


Product Case Study



Business Requirements 

  • Client wanted to train their sales personnel spread across different geographical locations. 
  • They wanted to provide mobile-enabled online courses to improve business productivity.
  • Client wanted to impart their salesforce with customized training solutions at the point of need.

When they approached Tenneo (formerly G-Cube LMS) to find a digital learning solution, they had specific need

  • An agile & robust learning platform to enhance the competence of sales staff at the dealerships.
  • A learning solution which can be scalable, cloud-based, and gamification friendly to engage the learners.
  • Easy access to various formats of learning contents and a tracking mechanism for training delivery and outcome.
  • Ability to provide elearning and blended learning that makes workforce knowledge ready quickly with new products and features.


  • Training a wide spectrum of sales employees with diverse learning needs. 
  • Courses were not supported on mobile devices, making it difficult for sales people to access training on the go.
  • Their salesforce could not retain information for long, leaving a negative impact on their sales strategy.

Our Solution

  • mGurukul mobile app was designed to meet customized learning needs of sales employees.   
  • Mobile-enabled courses helped to improve collaboration and learning experiences.
  • Interactive graphics, audios and animations made the courses more appealing.
  • Rewards and badges were given to engage and motivate maximum workforce.


  • SBI Card salesforce could access courses on their personalized tablets and smartphones per their convenience. 
  • It improved the geographic reach with an ability to boost knowledge retention and business sales. 
  • Courses were localized as per users’ language preferences, improving the understanding for learners.  
  • Post launch of the program, more than 18000 licenses of SBI cards were sold all over. 
  • The overall sales productivity increased to 6%, 32%, 9% and 655% for SBI card Simply Save, FBB StyleUp, Simply Click and Unnati card respectively.

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