Can your learning strategy switch gears?

Speed up your growth with Tenneo’s LMS for the Automotive Industry.

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Is an Automotive Training LMS Driving Your Learning Strategy?

Advances in the automotive industry have become so rapid, it’s like constantly switching gears. With a workforce featuring many diverse roles, the need of the hour is an LMS for the Automotive Industry that can seamlessly integrate teams consisting of different backgrounds and structures in order to effect successful training.

Fine-Tune Your Organization-Specific Learning Needs with Tenneo’s Automotive LMS Platform

When you’re operating inside a global footprint with demanding logistics and a distributed workforce in various parts of the country or the world, you need an Automotive LMS platform that integrates your diverse elements.

Tenneo’s deep experience with the automotive industry has led us to develop insight-based, targeted learning solutions for this sector. We designed and developed our corporate LMS for automotive in consultation with industry-leading automobile experts to enhance your automotive technician training.


Reinforcement learning for multiple products and services
Standardised virtual training
Motivation through gamified training like skill contests
Seamless integration with Dealer Management System
Easy-to-access video-based learning
Mobile-friendly support for just-in-time learning

Who Are
Our Co-drivers?

How Does Tenneo Help?

Tenneo knows the ins and outs of the automobile sector and the challenges it presents. Our LMS is specific and specialised.

Automatic training triggers before new product launches.
Virtual training, tracking, and reporting for dispersed geographies.
24/7 accessible knowledge repository for dealership sales and service teams.
Targeted learning delivery as per job role and skill gap for engineers and sales agents.
Automated skill contest management across dealership chains.

Why Tenneo?

Linking Learning with Performance

Spaced learning

Performance support

Just-in-time learning

Kirkpatrick model of evaluation

Flipped classroom model

Hassle-free Integration and Implementation

100+ connectors for integration with your tech stack

Continuously upgraded to provide better functionality

Integration with content repositories for better learning

Integration with social platforms for better collaboration

AI-driven Learning Experience

AI-based video assessments

Natural language programming

Machine learning for better suggestions

Deep search

Case Studies

Awards and Accolades

Take the leap.
Build a seamless learning experience.

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