Automation and Standardization of Training Process across Dealer Network
June 3, 2023Automation of Training Process & Performance Evaluation Tracking using the LMS

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical company located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The company was founded by Kallam Anji Reddy. Dr. Reddy manufactures and markets a wide range of pharmaceuticals in the Indian and overseas markets. The company has over 190 medications, and 60 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for drug manufacture, diagnostic kits, critical care, and biotechnology products. They are driven by the purpose of ‘ Good Health Can’t Wait ’.
Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Business Objective
When they approached Tenneo (formerly G-Cube LMS) to find a digital learning solution, the requirements were very specific in terms of a robust system to manage onboarding activities, meet end-to-end training needs, & manage internal job role changes for permanent workforces. Their requirements included -
- A centralized system to handle new hires’ onboarding journey – the creation of temp IDs, updating eligible candidates’ status to permanent employment.
- A learning platform that caters to workforces’ end-to-end training & assessment requirements including reports & dashboards.
- The functionality to manage internal job role changes, and present MR’s performance data to managers that enable them with decision-making during MR’s promotion.
- A Mobile-based platform that included a questionnaire to keep a track of MRs-Doctors interactions or other connects with various departments.
Major Challenges Faced
Dr. Reddy’s management team needed to take care of their workforce’s product knowledge and skill enhancements. There were multiple challenges as the organization’s ongoing training practices were handled manually and needed to be addressed, the challenges were as follows:
- Manual creation of new hires’ temporary and permanent IDs. This activity was time-consuming and led to an overall delay in completing the joining formalities.
- No mechanism available to maintain MRs-Doctors feedback in the system, this was kept as manual notes and later updating them daily on a web application. This involved double effort as the entries had to be completed twice.
- Paper assessments were conducted for new hires evaluation. No automated way of keeping a track of training completion/pending status.
- Difficulty in keeping a track of MR’s day-to-day actions/tasks. Managers were unable to gather data at the time of performance reviews.
- High chance of information being missed to be updated in the system, thus impacting business growth and other regulations.
- Unable to meet the compliance requirements on timely basis.
- Existing system’s inability to assign training to all workforces led to compliance issues, delayed workforce readiness, & reduced productivity.
The Projects team build a learning platform known as “eNable”, a system with SAP integration. The LMS enhanced the adoption and discoverability at the learner’s level to make the learning experience more exciting, enriching, and self-driven.
- The LMS is implemented with the Single Sign-On option provided in the LMS web application. There are two interfaces–the ‘Learner’ & the Administrator/Manager’ interface.
- User Management functionality – managing user attributes, handling archived users, deleted users, logged-in users, managing job roles, & managing training groups.
- Announcements & Notifications - users can view all the public announcements made by the Administrator. The user receives various notifications on multiple events or actions performed in the system.
- The users can keep a track of training via Training Calendar – which shows all the learnings (Courses/ Programs/ Classroom Training) in a monthly view by default. Users have the option to change the view, either ‘Week view’ or ‘Day view’.
- The ‘Collaborate’ module includes all the core sub-modules of the interface where users can engage on publicly share collaboration items. The sub-modules of collaboration include - Conversation & Survey.
- Video Library - whenever clicked on the ‘Video Library’ link, the page gets refreshed and shows the following details: Favorites, history, and top 5 channels.
- “Organization Structure” is used to define data sets to reside under different categories and used for defining user Privileges, Learnings, and Reporting. Features like Courses, Programs, E-Learning, and Reporting rights are defined based on the Organization Structure to which a user role is mapped.
- The LMS functionality included Skill Map & Lead Map features. The Skill Map (mainly used for MRs evaluation) feature enables reporting manager (L1/L2) or Training Coordinator to provide ratings to the workforces on different parameters. LMS also handled the Lead Map feature where the users who are AM or RM are being assigned Lead Map & their L1, L2 or Training Coordinator will fill the Lead Map for their team.
- Gamification mode - for the users to learn in a competitive environment. Users can view the Leaderboard to see their rank among their peers & view badges, coins, or points earned.
- Certificate management – users are awarded a certificate once a training program is completed. Reporting & Dashboards - these are standard reports & dashboards which can be easily accessed by managers or LMS administrators.
- Help & Support” section – This comprises FAQs, Contact Us, and a Help Manual with all details configurable by the administrator.
- The LMS mobile version is available on both Android and iOS platforms. To log in, users must have the access code, username, and password.
The “eNable” LMS helped the client with a system that managed new hires’ evaluations, moving them quickly to the company’s payrolls and handling internal job role change requirements. The LMS implementation had a positive impact on Dr. Reddy’s business, below mentioned are the accomplishments.
- 9K Approx users registered who access the LMS for their learning needs
- 5K Training and Assessments were available for the users to access.
- Around 700 Classroom training available in the system.
- LMS enabled Real-time improvements, reduction in time taken for new hires joining formalities & tracking MRs day-to-day activities.
- Compliance Training requirements were met with the LMS implementation.
- Leverage LMS for issuing certifications on training completions.
- Competency mapping & baselining of the workforce were easily done using LMS.
- Achieve On-demand learning and On-the-go learning for the dispersed workforce.
- Making new product launches more effective and efficient.
“We have leveraged the LMS and Learning Technologies to provide On-Demand & On-the-Go Learning to our remote field force. Compliance and Regulatory training are crucial in pharma sector, and we have been able to do this at scale using the eNable LMS. Some more key areas where we saw clear impact are - Continuous Skilling / Re-Skilling, Certification of various Role holders, Baselining & Competency mapping as well as real-time feedback & Coaching by embedding our own Capability Dashboards within the LMS as well as the app.”