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 A pioneering microfinance institution transforms learning with Tenneo LMS 


Svatantra Microfin



In the realm of financial services, accessibility and innovation are the cornerstones of driving meaningful change. Svatantra Microfin, a pioneering microfinance institution in India, stands as a beacon of empowerment, fostering entrepreneurship and financial inclusion where traditional banking systems fall short. With a vision to bank the unbanked and encourage entrepreneurship in underserved regions, Svatantra embarked on a journey of technological innovation and disruption. This case study delves into how Tenneo LMS became a catalyst for Svatantra's mission, helping them make learning matter and link it with employee performance. Tenneo LMS also empowered their workforce to achieve seamless success while advancing financial inclusion across Tier 3 cities in India.

Business Requirements:

In Svatantra Microfin's pursuit of empowering its dispersed workforce across Tier 3 cities, they prioritized mobile app-based e-learning to ensure seamless access to training materials. Recognizing diverse learning preferences, they sought video tutorials to enhance comprehension and streamline onboarding. Simplifying end-user onboarding and platform accessibility emerged as crucial objectives, alongside seamless integration with Zing HRIS to optimize data management and operational efficiency.

  1. Mobile App-Based E-Learning: With a dispersed workforce of over 8000 employees primarily located in Tier 3 cities, Svatantra Microfin required a mobile app-based e-learning platform to provide seamless access to training materials. Traditional in-person training methods were ineffective for reaching employees in remote locations, hindering learning adoption and consistency.
  2. Video Tutorials: Recognizing the diverse learning preferences of their workforce, Svatantra sought video tutorials to streamline onboarding processes and enhance platform accessibility. The absence of visual learning materials limited engagement and comprehension among employees, impeding the effectiveness of training initiatives.
  3. End-User Onboarding and Platform Accessibility: Svatantra aimed to simplify the onboarding process for end-users and enhance platform accessibility to ensure that all employees could easily navigate and utilize the learning platform. Streamlining onboarding procedures and improving platform accessibility were crucial for maximizing learning adoption and engagement among Svatantra's diverse workforce.
  4. Integration with HRIS: Seamless integration with Svatantra's existing Zing HRIS was essential to ensure efficient data management and operational continuity. Siloed data management systems led to inaccuracies in tracking employee progress and training effectiveness, hindering decision-making and organizational agility.

Business Challenges:

Svatantra Microfin navigated hurdles stemming from its dispersed workforce and limited access to training materials, impacting learning consistency. Scalability constraints hindered the organization's growth, while mobile learning dependency and the absence of a centralized platform impeded accessibility and cohesion. Low adoption rates revealed engagement challenges, urging the need for strategies to enhance user motivation and participation.

  1. Geographical Dispersion: Svatantra's field-based workforce scattered across Tier 3 cities posed a significant challenge in delivering consistent and engaging training programs. Limited access to training materials and resources in remote areas led to disparities in learning outcomes.
  2. Lack of Learning Scalability: Svatantra faced challenges in scaling learning initiatives to accommodate the growing needs of its workforce. Without a scalable learning platform and infrastructure, the organization struggled to expand training programs effectively, hindering employee development and organizational growth.
  3. Mobile Learning Dependency: With employees heavily reliant on mobile devices for learning, traditional training methods such as in-person workshops and printed materials were ineffective in engaging and retaining employees. The lack of a mobile-friendly learning platform limited accessibility and hindered employee skill development, impacting productivity and competitiveness.
  4. Lack of Centralized Learning Platform: The absence of a centralized learning platform hindered consistency and scalability in training initiatives. Fragmented learning resources and disparate training programs led to inconsistencies in knowledge acquisition and skill development, hindering organizational cohesion and growth.
  5. Low Adoption Rate: The average course completion was as low as 14%. It indicated poor engagement level among the target user base. This underscores potential barriers to LMS access or motivation, highlighting the need for strategies to increase user adoption and engagement.

Solutions Offered:

Tenneo LMS revolutionized Svatantra Microfin's learning landscape with a suite of innovative solutions. By providing a mobile app-based learning platform, personalized smart notifications, and interactive assessments, Tenneo addressed challenges of geographical dispersion and mobile dependency while enhancing engagement and retention.

  1. Mobile App-Based Learning: Tenneo LMS provided a mobile app-based learning platform, enabling Svatantra's workforce to access training materials anytime, anywhere. This addressed the challenge of geographical dispersion by ensuring consistent access to learning resources across all locations, fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development.
  2. Smart Notifications: Personalized smart notifications kept employees engaged and informed about new training modules and updates, enhancing learning adoption and retention. By addressing the challenge of mobile learning dependency, smart notifications ensured that employees remained actively engaged in the learning process, resulting in improved learning outcomes and business performance.
  3. Assessments and Spaced Learning: Interactive assessments and spaced learning techniques enhanced learning retention and comprehension, addressing the challenge of fragmented learning resources and disparate training programs. By providing structured learning pathways and reinforcing key concepts over time, assessments and spaced learning facilitated a more cohesive and effective learning experience, leading to increased employee proficiency and confidence.
  4. Integration with Zing HRIS and Udaan: Seamless integration with Zing HRIS and Udaan streamlined data management and operational efficiency. By centralizing employee data and training records, integration with HRIS and Udaan addressed the challenge of siloed data management systems. This integration also provided actionable insights into employee performance and training effectiveness. This enabled Svatantra to make data-driven decisions and optimize learning initiatives for maximum impact and business growth.
  5. Faster Onboarding & Learning Accessibility: Tenneo LMS implemented user-friendly onboarding procedures and enhanced platform accessibility features. This ensured that all employees, regardless of their technological proficiency, could easily navigate and utilize the learning platform. By simplifying the onboarding process and improving platform accessibility, Svatantra maximized learning adoption and engagement among its diverse workforce.
  6. Increasing Learning Engagement: Tenneo LMS introduced gamification elements and personalized learning paths to increase learning engagement and motivation among employees. By incorporating gamified quizzes, challenges, and leaderboards, Tenneo LMS transformed learning into a rewarding and enjoyable experience, driving higher levels of user adoption and participation.


  1. Increased Learning Scalability: Procuring an additional 1500 licenses, Svatantra's workforce now stands at 9500, showcasing the scalability and effectiveness of Tenneo LMS. By overcoming the challenges of geographical dispersion and limited accessibility, Tenneo LMS empowered Svatantra to expand its workforce and reach underserved communities, driving greater financial inclusion and entrepreneurship.
  2. Engagement and Participation: The Adoption Dashboard reflects increased engagement and participation, indicating the success of the mobile app-based learning approach. A total of 84866 courses were assigned along with delivering 1281 public courses. By leveraging smart notifications, interactive learning features, and gamification elements, Svatantra increased employee engagement and participation in training programs, resulting in improved learning outcomes and organizational performance.
  3. Increase in Adoption Rate: The implementation of Tenneo LMS resulted in a significant increase in the adoption rate, as evidenced by higher course completion rates and active user engagement. By addressing barriers to LMS access and motivation, Svatantra achieved higher levels of user adoption and participation, leading to a more proficient and empowered workforce.
  4. Advocacy and Recommendations: Svatantra has become an advocate for Tenneo within their organization, recommending the platform to prospective clients and reinforcing their position as a leader in fostering financial inclusion through innovative solutions. By achieving tangible results and demonstrating the transformative impact of Tenneo LMS, Svatantra has solidified its reputation as a forward-thinking and socially responsible organization, driving positive change in the microfinance industry.

Through strategic collaboration with Tenneo LMS, Svatantra Microfin has embraced technology to drive social impact and empowerment. By leveraging mobile learning, innovative features, and strategies to increase engagement, Svatantra has transcended geographical barriers, equipping their workforce with the skills and knowledge needed to advance financial inclusion and entrepreneurship in underserved communities. This partnership exemplifies the transformative power of technology in driving meaningful change and creating a more inclusive financial landscape.

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