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Is Your Sales Training LMS Taking Your Performance a Notch Higher


Bharat Jain - Tenneo

Bharat Jain

The alarming statistic that about 70% of salespeople lack formal sales training[1] is a clear indicator of the gaps in sales skills development. Needless to say, this gap can severely hamper their ability to close deals and achieve seamless success. To build a winning sales team, organizations need a robust LMS for sales training that redefines learning and extends it beyond formal training. 

Sales professionals often face significant challenges, such as inadequate learning support, outdated learning programs, and more. These are the hurdles that slow down their progress. By addressing these issues with innovative learning platforms like Tenneo LMS, organizations can empower their sales teams with the skills and knowledge they need to excel and overcome sales training challenges. 

Understanding the Sales Training Challenges

1. Static Content & Lack of Self-Assessment 

Salespeople have to constantly evolve their skillset to ace the sales pitch and close deals. Self-assessent plays a huge role in building the required continuous learning culture. They must be able to acquire knowledge and assess their understanding instantly, instead of waiting for post-learning assessments. This fastens the sales skills development process. 

Salespeople benefit from easily accessible, interactive content and need-based learning recommendations. The sales training LMS must enable them to interact with the content, ask queries, assess their knowledge, and seek information instantly. Additionally, the LMS for sales training must also support regional language translation to make the content accessible to anyone and everyone. 

2. Inadequate Learning Support

Salespeople are always chasing targets with little to no time for training. This adds to their struggles while finding and accessing relevant learning content on demand. The sheer volume of learning programs and vague training pathways add to the frustration of navigating learning. Additionally, a complex sales training LMS interface increases their dependency on admin support for navigation. 

Consequently, this translates into decreased learning outcomes and performance. They are unable to prep themselves for new customer interactions, revise their sales strategies, and close deals.

3. Outdated Training Content 

The only way to keep up with the evolving market demands is to upskill your sales team consistently with updated learning programs. Your LMS must support quick content creation and delivery to bridge the lag between the changing skill demands and learning material.
Outdated learning material is to salespeople what kryptonite is for superman. To enhance their sales productivity, you must empower them with learning tools that help you create engaging, visually appealing learning material and deliver it instantly. If not, your sales team will be always behind the eight ball and miss out on growth opportunities.

4. Learning Not Linked with Performance

One of the major reasons behind low sales training adoption is the non-relevance of learning to the business objectives. Salespeople ignore training programs if they don't see a clear link between the learning material and their performance goals. When training is generic and not tailored to address specific KPIs, it results in inadequate learning experiences and poor engagement from sales representatives. 

There is more to this! The misalignment between learning and performance also means that your sales team is not equipped with the necessary skills for deal closure. This negatively impacts their performance, and they are never fully prepared to hit their targets or even respond to customer needs effectively. 

How Tenneo's Sales Training LMS Elevates Training Outcomes

1. Smart Content – GenAI-based Tool

The Smart Content feature in Tenneo's LMS for sales training transforms static learning materials into engaging, interactive experiences that are crucial for sales training. By incorporating quizzes, videos, and interactive elements, it enhances learner engagement and knowledge retention, allowing sales professionals to absorb information more effectively. 

Smart Content enables you to translate content to make it more accessible to a global workforce. It utilizes Tenneo's built-in recommendation engine that suggests relevant content tailored to sales training needs. This personalization ensures that each the sales team receives need-based training, helping them achieve their goals more efficiently.

2. Tenneo Assistant 

The Tenneo Assistant, a GenAI-powered learning assistant, empowers salespeople with instant learning and navigation. With easy access to relevant training materials, they can quickly find what they need without wasting time. Tenneo Assistant offers contextual query resolution, delivering personalized insights that directly relate to their learning goals. 

By adapting to individual learning behaviors, it ensures that sales professionals receive need-based learning content at the right moment. This capability reduces reliance on admin support, allowing sales teams to focus on refining their skills and closing deals more effectively.

3. Quick Content Creation & Delivery

Tenneo's sales training LMS allows for the swift creation and delivery of training content, keeping it relevant and up-to-date with market demands. The integration with Canva for visually appealing content creation ensures that training materials are engaging and effective. 
This effortless content creation process allows sales teams to produce high-quality, interactive materials without requiring advanced design skills, saving time and resources. 

 As a result, sales professionals benefit from captivating materials that improve knowledge retention and enhance their ability to grasp critical information. This leads to more effective customer interactions and increased sales performance.

4. Performance-Linked Learning

Tenneo LMS’s automated rule engine links learning activities directly with performance KPIs. This feature identifies skills gaps and triggers actions such as targeted learning modules, escalations, and smart notifications based on predefined performance metrics. For sales teams, this means that training is closely aligned with performance goals, ensuring that learning activities are relevant and impactful. 

By addressing skills and training gaps in real-time, Tenneo sales training LMS enhances the effectiveness of training programs, driving better sales performance and overall business growth.


Tenneo LMS for sales training effectively addresses the challenges faced by sales teams through its advanced features and functionalities, enhancing learning outcomes and sales performance. By integrating Tenneo LMS into your sales training strategy, you can ensure that your sales team is well-prepared, adaptable, and capable of meeting their targets, ultimately driving business growth and success.

If you want to make learning matter for your sales team and empower them towards seamless success, get in touch with our experts. 

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Statistics References: 

[1] Qwilr

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